Something cherished through time.
Thank you for always using Apartir.
Fashion should always be a part of life.
If you plan to use it for a long time,
It's great to have quality items that you grow to love the more you wear them.
This time, the customer came to our store for a class reunion.
I am very grateful for the support of the store and myself.
He is an irreplaceable person who always supports me.
I am writing this blog to express my gratitude.
We were asked to create a "casual yet stylish outfit."
Since this generation has been through "cheap and chic" and "American casual," I would like to recommend some other styles as well.
The brand chosen was LENO.
This is a brand that has been popular since our store opened, where you can experience not only the trendiness but also the quality of the products.
The products here faithfully reproduce vintage designs, while focusing on femininity and silhouette, making them products that have the potential to become vintage items for the next generation.
This item only becomes stylish when you wear it, and becomes more comfortable the more you wear it, so as the title suggests, you can use it for a long time.
The classic style is the high-waisted, belted Gurkha trousers and a Big Trucker Jacket, but we recommend wearing a cropped sweatshirt underneath.
The customer has a masculine look, so I think adding a little cuteness gave it a nice softness.
As expected from a senior, the shirt is tucked in and fitted well.
On the day, she will be adding accessories such as a scarf and a Louis Vuitton bag, so it will be nice to see the sense of addition and subtraction.
She is very conscious of the latest trends and has great style.
Since you are usually very active with your grandchildren, this outfit would be perfect for taking them to a variety of places.
I'm looking forward to the time when denim and chinos become more comfortable.